This bodyweight workout is designed to be a quick workout that you can do almost anywhere. If you want to step it up a bit and have some equipment lying around, you might want to check out one of my High-Intensity Resistance Training (H.I.R.T) routines or even the High Intensity Resistance Training Workout Creator.

Go to the Bodyweight Workout Generator


5 Sets

  • 10 meter Crabwalk
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Ten meter Shuttle Sprints

Exercise Videos

Below are some videos that you can watch to make sure you are doing each exercise properly:


Begin by sitting on the floor with both your feet and hands touching the floor. Now bring your rear end off the floor. Move the right hand and left foot backward to start. Now move the left hand and right foot backward to continue the motion.


Start in the standing position with your hands at your side and feet together. Now go down into a push up position (slowly and methodically or quickly by jumping and falling into the pushup position). Then do a pushup. Then return to the standing position and jump up. As you jump raise your hands above your head and clap your hands. Return your hands to the sides of the body.

Alternate Exercises

Ten Shuttle Sprints

Thanks to Buff Class Crossfit for the idea for this automatically generated workout program.

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Recent WODs


AMRAP 10 minutes

  • 14 Burpees
  • 14 meter Bear Crawl
  • 14 Air Squats


AMRAP 5 minutes

  • 14 Lunges
  • 14 Box Jump
  • 14 Situps


5 Sets

  • 8 Burpees
  • 8 Jumping Jacks
  • 8 Ten meter Shuttle Sprints
  • 8 Pushups


5 Sets

  • 5 Box Jump
  • 5 Situps
  • 5 Lunges
  • 5 Burpees


AMRAP 10 minutes

  • 16 Box Jump
  • 16 meter Bear Crawl
  • 16 Air Squats


AMRAP 5 minutes

  • 12 Situps
  • 12 meter Bear Crawl
  • 12 Burpees


AMRAP 10 minutes

  • 18 meter Crabwalk
  • 18 Situps